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middle life 1.= middle age.2.中等生活。

middle low german

These are but a few of the features of park scenery ; but what most delights me , is the creative talent with which the english decorate the unostentatious abodes of middle life 前文所述,僅擷取英格蘭山林美景之一二;英格蘭中產者之住所多不加虛飾,樸實無華,家居裝飾之才俊備受世人推崇。

That may be too , stephen said . there is a saying of goethe s which mr magee likes to quote . beware of what you wish for in youth because you will get it in middle life “這也可能吧, ”斯蒂芬說, “馬吉喜歡引用歌德的一句話: “當心你年輕時所抱的愿望,因為到了中年就會變為現實。

Results show that in the middle life range the fatigue strength of interference - fit riveting increases by about 25 % compared with that of conventional riveting 研究結果表明:在中壽命區,干涉配合鉚接的疲勞強度比普通鉚接的疲勞強度提高約25 % 。

An energetic middle life is , i think , the only safe precursor of a vitally happy old age 我認為,精力旺盛的中年生活是生氣勃勃的幸福晚年的唯一可靠預兆

Into middle life is a flower child , the child that is spent in the core 走進孩子中間生命是花,孩子是那花中的蕊。